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Golf Courses in South

Golf Course directory for courses within South.

There are 228 golf courses in our system for this region. Use the tabs below to change the order, the regional links to change location or try the advanced search. Plus check out the Golfshake Top 100 golf courses, UK Golf Guide & World Golf Guide.

Displaying 1 to 200 of 200 records.
Abbey Hill Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££
Alresford Golf ClubHampshire£££££
Alton Golf ClubHampshire££
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Ampfield Par Three Golf ClubHampshire££
Andover Golf ClubHampshire££
Army Golf ClubHampshire£££££
Ashridge Artisans Golf ClubBuckinghamshire
Avington Park Golf CourseHampshire£££
Badgemore ParkOxfordshire£££££
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Barton-on-Sea Golf ClubHampshire£££££
Basingstoke Golf CentreHampshire££
Basingstoke Golf Club (formally Dummer)Hampshire£££££
Basset Down Golf ComplexWiltshire££
Beaconsfield Golf ClubBuckinghamshire££££
Bearwood Lakes Golf ClubBerkshire£££££
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Bicester Hotel, Golf & SpaOxfordshire££££
Billingbear Park Golf CourseBerkshire££
Bird Hills Golf ClubBerkshire££££
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Bishopswood Golf ClubHampshire£££
Blackmoor Golf ClubHampshire£££££
Blacknest Golf ClubHampshire££££
Blue Mountain Golf CentreBerkshire£££
Bohunt Manor Golf ClubHampshire£££££
Botley Park Golf ClubHampshire£££££
Boundary Lakes Golf CourseHampshire£££££
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Bowood Hotel, Spa and Golf ResortWiltshire£££££
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Bradfield College Golf ClubBerkshire
Bramshaw Golf ClubHampshire£££££
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Braywick Golf ClubBerkshire
Brinkworth Golf ClubWiltshire££
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Brokenhurst Manor Golf ClubHampshire£££££
Broome Manor Golf ClubWiltshire£££
Buckingham Golf ClubBuckinghamshire££££
Buckinghamshire Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££££
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Burford Golf ClubOxfordshire£££££
Burley Golf ClubHampshire£££
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Burnham Beeches Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££££
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Calcot Park Golf ClubBerkshire£££££
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Cams Hall Estate Golf ClubHampshire££££
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Castle Royle Golf and Country ClubBerkshire££££
Chartridge Park Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££
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Cherwell Edge Golf ClubOxfordshire£££
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Chesham and Ley Hill Golf ClubBuckinghamshire££
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Chewton Glen Golf ClubHampshire££
Chiltern Forest Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££££
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Chilworth Golf ClubHampshire££
Chippenham Golf ClubWiltshire££££
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Corhampton Golf ClubHampshire£££££
Cotswolds Club Chipping NortonOxfordshire££££
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Cowes Golf ClubIsle of Wight£££
Cricklade Hotel Golf ClubWiltshire££
Cumberwell Park Golf ClubWiltshire£££££
Datchet Golf ClubBerkshire£££
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De Vere Wokefield EstateBerkshire£££££
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Dean Farm (Kingsley) Golf ClubHampshire££
Deanwood Park Golf ClubBerkshire£££
Defence Academy Golf ClubWiltshire££
Denham Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££££
Dibden (Bramshott Hill) Golf CentreHampshire££
Donnington Grove Country ClubBerkshire££££
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Donnington Valley Golf ClubBerkshire££££
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Downhurst Golf ClubBerkshire
Downshire Golf ComplexBerkshire£££
DR TestAvon
DR testBuckinghamshire
Drayton Park Golf ClubOxfordshire£££
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Dunwood Manor Golf ClubHampshire£££££
East Berkshire Golf ClubBerkshire£££££
East Horton Golf CentreHampshire£££
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Ellesborough Golf ClubBuckinghamshire££££
Erlestoke Sands Golf ClubWiltshire£££
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Eton College Golf ClubBerkshire
Fairthorne Manor Golf ClubHampshire££
FarringfordIsle of Wight
Feldon Valley Golf ClubOxfordshire££££
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Flackwell Heath Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££££
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Fleetlands Golf ClubHampshire
Fleming Park Golf ClubHampshire
Four Marks Golf ClubHampshire££
Freshwater Bay Golf ClubIsle of Wight££££
Frilford Heath Golf ClubOxfordshire£££££
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Furzeley Golf ClubHampshire££
Gerrards Cross Artisans Golf ClubBuckinghamshire
Gerrards Cross Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££££
Goring and Streatley Golf ClubBerkshire£££££
Gosport and Stokes Bay Golf ClubHampshire££
Great Salterns Municipal Golf ClubHampshire££
Greys Green Golf ClubOxfordshire££
Hadden Hill Golf ClubOxfordshire££££
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Hamptworth Golf & Country ClubWiltshire£££
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Harewood Downs Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££££
Harleyford Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££££
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Hartley Wintney Golf ClubHampshire£££££
Hayling Beachlands Golf LinksHampshire££
Hayling Golf ClubHampshire£££££
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Hazlemere Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££££
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Hedsor Golf CourseBuckinghamshire££
Henley (on Thames) Golf ClubOxfordshire£££££
Hennerton Golf ClubBerkshire£££
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Heythrop Park Resort GolfOxfordshire£££££
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High Post Golf ClubWiltshire£££££
Hinksey Heights Golf ClubOxfordshire££££
Hoburne Bashley Park Golf ClubHampshire££
Hockley Golf ClubHampshire£££££
Huntercombe Artisans Golf ClubOxfordshire
Huntercombe Golf ClubOxfordshire£££££
Huntswood Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££
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Hurst Golf Course (Dinton Pastures)Berkshire££
Iver Golf ClubBuckinghamshire££
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Ivinghoe Golf ClubBuckinghamshire££
Kingsdown Golf ClubWiltshire££££
Kirtlington Golf ClubOxfordshire££££
Lambourne Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££££
Lavender Park Golf CentreBerkshire££
Leckford Golf CourseHampshire£££
Lee on the Solent Golf ClubHampshire£££££
Liphook Golf ClubHampshire£££££
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Maidenhead Golf ClubBerkshire£££££
Marlborough Golf ClubWiltshire££££
Meon Valley Hotel & Country ClubHampshire£££££
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Mill Ride Golf ClubBerkshire£££££
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Monkton Park Par Three Golf ClubWiltshire££
Monxton & Grateley Golf CentreHampshire££
Moredon Par 3 Golf CourseWiltshire££
New Forest Golf ClubHampshire££££
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Newbury and Crookham Golf ClubBerkshire££££
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Newbury Racecourse Golf RangeBerkshire£££
Newport Golf Club (Isle Of Wight)Hampshire£££
North Hants Golf ClubHampshire£££££
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North Oxford Golf ClubOxfordshire££££
North Wilts Golf ClubWiltshire££££
Oakland Park Golf ClubBuckinghamshire££££
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Oaksey Park Golf ClubWiltshire££
Ogbourne Downs Golf ClubWiltshire£££££
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Old Thorns Golf ClubHampshire£££££
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Oratory Sports Centre Golf CourseOxfordshire
Osborne Golf ClubIsle of Wight£££
Otterbourne Golf CentreHampshire££
Overton & Town Meadow Golf ClubHampshire
Oxford Golf ClubOxfordshire££££
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Paultons Golf CentreHampshire£££
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Petersfield Golf ClubHampshire£££££
Portsmouth Golf CourseHampshire£££
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Princes Risborough Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££
Radley Golf ClubOxfordshire£££
RAF Benson Golf ClubOxfordshire££
Reading Golf ClubBerkshire££££
Richings Park Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££££
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Romsey Golf ClubHampshire£££
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Rowlands Castle Golf ClubHampshire£££££
Royal Ascot Golf ClubBerkshire£££££
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Royal Household Golf ClubBerkshire
Royal Winchester Golf ClubHampshire£££££
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Rushmore Golf ClubWiltshire£££££
Ryde Golf ClubIsle of Wight£££
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Rye Hill Golf ClubOxfordshire£££
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Salisbury and South Wilts Golf ClubWiltshire£££££
Salisbury Golf CentreWiltshire££
Sand Martins Golf ClubBerkshire£££££
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Sandford Springs Golf ClubHampshire£££££
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Shanklin and Sandown Golf ClubIsle of Wight£££££
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Sherfield Oaks Golf ClubHampshire££££
Shrivenham Park Golf ClubWiltshire££
Silverstone Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££
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Skylark Golf & Country ClubHampshire£££££
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Somerley Park Golf ClubHampshire££
Sonning Golf ClubBerkshire£££££
South Buckinghamshire AcademyBuckinghamshire££
South Winchester Golf ClubHampshire£££££
Southampton Golf ClubHampshire£££
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Southsea Golf ClubHampshire££
Southwick Park Golf ClubHampshire£££££
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Stoke ParkBuckinghamshire£££££
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Stoneham Golf ClubHampshire£££££
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Stowe Golf ClubBuckinghamshire
Studley Wood Golf ClubOxfordshire££££
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Sunningdale Golf ClubBerkshire£££££
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Sunningdale Heath Golf ClubBerkshire££££
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Swanmore Golf CentreHampshire££
Swinley Forest Golf ClubBerkshire£££££
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Tadmarton Heath Golf ClubOxfordshire£££££
Temple (Maidenhead) Golf ClubBerkshire£££££
Test Valley Golf ClubHampshire£££££
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The Ageas Bowl County Golf ClubHampshire££
The Berkshire Golf ClubBerkshire£££££
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The Caversham (Home of Reading Golf Club)Berkshire£££££
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The Club at MapledurhamBerkshire£££
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The Hampshire Golf ClubHampshire£££
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The Kendleshire Golf ClubAvon£££££
The Manor House Golf ClubWiltshire£££££
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The Oxfordshire Golf, Hotel & SpaOxfordshire£££££
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The South BuckinghamshireBuckinghamshire£££
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The Springs Golf ClubOxfordshire££££
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The Wiltshire Golf & Leisure ClubWiltshire££££
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The Wychwood Golf ClubOxfordshire£££
Theale Golf ClubBerkshire£££££
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Thorney Park Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££££
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Thoulstone Park Golf ClubWiltshire
Three Locks Golf ClubBuckinghamshire£££
Tidworth Garrison Golf ClubWiltshire£££££
Displaying 1 to 200 of 200 records.

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Sunningdale Golf Club
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The Berkshire Golf Club
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Liphook Golf Club
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Celtic Manor

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