Tag: Survey
Charity Golf Survey 2025
Leading research agency Sporting Insights are running a survey about golf related charity activities. read more ...
Golf Club Membership Survey 2024/2025
With the peak golf season now behind us and thoughts turning to the the return of the warmer weather in 2025, now is the perfect time to gather your thoughts on golf club membership. read more ...
What Can Golfers Do To Speed Up Play
We asked for your views on slow play and boy did you respond - over 2,000 of you. But more than that, you also came up with solutions which, if implemented by golf clubs across the land, would most definitely have the required effect. read more ...
What Can Golf Clubs Do To Speed Up Play
In the first of a series of articles focused on addressing how slow play on the golf course can be solved, we take a look at some of the ideas you offered into what golf clubs can do. read more ...
2024 Golf Pace Of Play Survey
We would love your feedback in our latest survey focused on your playing habits and your thoughts on pace of play. read more ...
Survey 2024 - Golf Apps, Courses & Travel
We would love your feedback in our latest survey focused on some of the sites, services and apps you use related to your daily golf habits. read more ...
Survey 2024 - Do You Watch Professional Golf
We would love your feedback in our latest survey focused on watching professional golf either live in person or on television or streaming services. read more ...
Golf Course Survey 2024
We would love your feedback in our latest survey focused on golf courses you played in 2023 and where you may play in 2024. read more ...
Could There Be Tough Times Ahead For Golf Club Memberships
Following our most recent survey, which focused on winter golf and 2024 membership, Derek Clements reports on the results reviewing the information around golf club membership and whilst the membership data is fairly positive and not dissimilar to previous years, there could be some challenging times ahead for some golf clubs. read more ...
Winter Golf Survey 2023
We would love your feedback in our latest survey focused on golf over the winter in 2023/2024. read more ...
Survey Finds Significant Cost Increases For Golfers In 2023
Our most recent survey focused on the consumer spending habits of over 1,600 avid golfers, comparing data from the 2023 survey with data previously captured 5 years ago in the 2018 annual Golfshake survey. read more ...
Survey Reveals 2023 Golf Club Membership Trends and What To Expect in 2024
Golfshake conducted a survey on golf club membership, gathering data and insights from 4,000 regular golfers over a ten-day period in 2023. Following the publication of eight articles we have now compiled a comprehensive overview of the data, analysis, and feedback. These include insights on the resurgence of waiting lists and joining fees at golf clubs, the value for money of golf club memberships, and the likelihood of renewing memberships in 2024.\ read more ...
How Waiting Lists And Joining Fees Made a Comeback at Golf Clubs
Your response to our recent membership survey reveals that the landscape has changed in recent years. The boom that followed the COVID lockdown has seen both waiting lists and joining fees making a gradual comeback across the game. read more ...
What Golf Clubs Can Do To Attract More Visitors
Visitors are the lifeblood of many golf clubs around the UK. In our recent membership survey we asked what clubs could do to attract new visitors. You have plenty of views on this subject and they break down into a number of categories.
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Will You Be Renewing Your Golf Club Membership in 2024
It's that time of year when subscription renewals and reminders will be arriving. We asked thousands of club members if they were planning to renew their memberships in 2024 and the results were fascinating, including a significant number of golfers who remained undecided about their plans. And they told us why. read more ...
One Third of Golf Clubs Must Improve Their Communication Skills
In this digital age where effective communication is essential for all businesses, many golf clubs have improved massively in recent years, but our latest survey has also shown areas that require improvement to benefit both members and visitors. read more ...
Golf Equipment Survey 2023
We would love your feedback in our latest survey focused on golf equipment in 2023 and the golf gear that you use. read more ...
Do Golf Club Memberships Offer Value For Money
Do golf club memberships represent value for money? Our latest survey revealed that one of the biggest concerns you have is the cost of playing the game. We take a closer look at how valuable becoming a member can be and just what it means to the clubs themselves. read more ...
The Issues That Non-Members Want Golf Clubs to Address
We wanted to know what you think clubs need to do to attract more members and what you see as the problems facing clubs when it comes to recruitment. These comments were submitted by non-members as they described their suggestions regarding the issues that clubs need to address. read more ...
Survey Reveals Attitudes And Barriers to Joining a Golf Club
The wider golf landscape is finally beginning to settle back into something resembling normality following the impact of the pandemic, which ushered in a rapid and unexpected boom in participation but also membership numbers at clubs around the country. But now, with cost of living pressures remaining and the opportunities presented by lockdowns a thing of the past, the game has to assess how best it can both retain and recruit members. read more ...
Golf Club Membership Survey 2023/2024
We would love your feedback in our latest survey focused on your plans for golf club membership in 2023/2024 - will you be renewing, joining, leaving or simply just enjoy playing nomadic golf. read more ...
Golf Fans Want to See Leadership Changes After Merger
It is a story that has dominated the headlines - the proposed merger between the PGA Tour, DP World Tour and the Public Investment Fund (PIF). We ran a survey to seek your views. Unsurprisingly, you were as shocked as the rest of us. read more ...
PlayMoreGolf Reports Significant Shift in Golfer Habits
PlayMoreGolf, the UK’s largest points-based golf membership scheme, have announced record-breaking sales figures that may signal a significant shift in golfers’ habits. In March, the company achieved new member sales to the value of £1.25million - a 48% increase from its previous best. read more ...
What Can Be Done To Actually Grow Golf
From our most recent annual survey it became abundantly clear that many of you believe that much work still needs to be done in order to successfully grow the game and attract more people to golf. Our sport talks a good game but does it deliver? read more ...
The World Handicap System Continues to Divide Golfers
The World Handicap System was introduced in Britain amid much fanfare more than two years ago. It was supposed to end the debate once and for all. But many of you still have serious issues with it. In our recent annual Golfshake Survey it once again turned out to be a thorny subject for you. read more ...
How Could The Cost of Living Crisis Impact Your Golf
There is much uncertainty surrounding the ongoing cost of living crisis, which has seen a dramatic rise in energy costs, food prices, and an increase in other expenses. Just how could this impact your golf? That was among the concerns that we saw raised by the many respondents to the recent Golfshake Survey, who have questions and worries regarding the state of their club membership and wider green fee costs. read more ...
What Do Golf Fans REALLY Think About LIV Golf
It's undoubtedly the topic that has overshadowed professional golf for the past year, it has driven bitter wedges between Ryder Cup icons and seen recent major champions tumble down the world rankings, but as it enters its crucial second season, what exactly do fans of the sport REALLY think about LIV Golf? read more ...
Who Exactly is Watching LIV Golf
LIV Golf was a massive story last year and remains a talking point going into 2023. We wanted to find out more about how many golfers have watched those events and how the demographic of that audience compares to the overall picture of golf fans who view tournaments on TV and attend in person. read more ...
Are Golfers Playing Less Often Due to Rising Costs
Ahead of the 2023 golf season, what is the current state of the game? These have been strange times for golf, with the sport enjoying a well-documented boom during the pandemic. So how are things looking now? The results are in for the Golfshake Survey, with more than 3,500 of you responding to tell us about your lives on the golf course. read more ...
Golfers Officially LOVE to Play Challenging Courses
What makes a good golf course? What makes you want to return? What lives long in the mind and makes you want to tell everybody you know? It may surprise you to learn that, according to Golfshake subscribers, the thing we all want is a proper challenge. read more ...
13 Things That Drive Golfers Insane
Golf can be frustrating at the best of times, but there are certain things that drive most of us crazy. Following the Golfshake Survey, where respondents were asked to identify annoyances in the game, we’ve identified 13 further highly annoying habits, as voted for by you. read more ...
Who is The Face of Your Golf Club
When visiting golfers make their way to a new course for the first time, the welcome they receive can set the tone for the day ahead. A positive, friendly greeting can enhance the experience, whereas poor interactions can sully the memory of even the finest venues. But just who is the face of your golf club, the person charged with delivering that interaction? read more ...
Strong Websites Are Now Essential For Golf Clubs
It's a reality of the times, but successful digital marketing and communication is now essential for golf clubs to thrive and deliver an experience that benefits members and visitors alike. This is something that begins with a quality, informative and engaging website. read more ...
The One Thing Golf Clubs Should Be Doing Right Now
This has been an extraordinary time for club golf, with most having seen an increase in membership, some having introduced waiting lists and a few bringing back joining fees. So with everything looking rosy in the garden, you would expect UK golf clubs to have stepped up to the plate when it comes to the way they treat and communicate with their members. But have they? read more ...
Why Do Golfers Stop Playing Golf
It is well enough documented that the past couple of years have witnessed an unprecedented number or people either returning to golf or taking it up for the first time. So it seems like the perfect time to examine why some people walk away from the game. read more ...
Why Women Play Golf - Golfshake Survey Feedback
WE ALL know that, despite the boom the game is enjoying, club golf still faces many challenges, not the least of which is finding ways to make the game more attractive to girls and women. In our Winter Survey we wanted to know what inspired female golfers to take up the sport, how they first played, and their thoughts on what's important for beginners. read more ...
Have You Ever Taken A Break From Golf - Many Golfers Do
Golf is rightly considered to be the game for a lifetime, played by all generations, but it's clear that for many that relationship isn't a consistently unbroken one, as the latest Golfshake Survey has discovered that a significant number of golfers have taken an extended break from the sport for a variety of reasons. read more ...
Golfers Reflect on 2020 and Get Set for 2021
In our most recent survey, completed in December 2020 by over 700 avid golfers, we asked golfers to reflect on their golf in 2020 and also what they were planning to do in 2021. read more ...
What Makes New Golfers Different
Golf enjoyed an unprecedented boom in 2020 in the most trying and difficult of circumstances. Countless people have returned to the game for the first time in years, while others took it up for the first time after weeks in lockdown. But how do these new golfers differ from traditional and long-standing club members? We identified several key themes. read more ...
Golfers Ready To Commit To Winter Season
Following this most unique of years and the remarkable summer golf boom, it will be fascinating to see whether that interest can be maintained throughout the winter months. Surveying 1,700 avid golfers, we discovered their plans for the winter season ahead. read more ...
Golf Is More Than Just A Game - Why It Should Remain Open
For many golf is clearly more than just a game, it's an enriching activity, an integral part of daily life. Following the spring lockdown that was introduced throughout the UK, the importance of golf has became apparent during these challenging times, a spotlight was shone on the many benefits it can bring to the health and wellbeing of millions. read more ...
Why Tee Time Access is Golf's Biggest Challenge This Autumn
Golf has enjoyed a staggering boom during these extraordinary times, a dramatic turnaround that now presents another kind of challenge, namely how to address the impact of supply and demand with tee time availability. We look at why finding a way to keep everyone happy, delivering value for money, and ensuring opportunities to play in the face of narrowing hours of daylight, is the major test for the game this autumn. read more ...
Survey Reveals Unprecedented Summer Golf Boom
Following years of reported decline in membership and golfers lost to other activities, no one could have predicted the astonishing recovery golf was about to experience due to the global pandemic which has led to an unprecedented summer boom. Following widespread industry data underlining the incredible surge of interest in the game, we have surveyed the Golfshake Community to canvas their thought and opinions. read more ...
Are You Ready For The World Handicap System
With golf now back, a big talking point among everyday golfers remains the World Handicap System (WHS), which is being rolled out across the world in 2020. Golfshake has surveyed 2,000 golfers to gather their thoughts on the new system, whether they understand it, what they hope it will achieve, and whether they think it's good for the game. read more ...
Where Senior Golfers Stand in the Game - What You Said
Golfshake writer and senior golfer Derek Clements reviews and breaks down the findings of a recent survey that focused on the attitudes of golfers, specifically with regards to senior golf, asking key questions about memberships, pace of play, and just how important this demograpgic is for clubs. read more ...
Non-Club Golfers React to Tee Time Availability & Green Fee Prices
Golf is now back across the UK, ushering in stories of unprecedented demand, packed courses, an influx of new members joining, and restrictions in light of safety measures. But how has it gone for non-club members? We surveyed nearly 1,000 of them, canvassing their views on the difficulties of securing tee times, whether green fees have been increased, and what they hope the future holds. read more ...
Is 54 Handicap A Step Too Far?
Golf handicaps divide opinions more than any other issue within the game of golf. Taking a look at our survey in Feb 2020, focused on handicaps, we we round up the data and your comments which make for interesting insights into what golfers think. read more ...
Unattached Golfers Express Willingness to Join Clubs
Golf clubs throughout England have experienced an unprecedented level of demand for tee times since venues reopened, but they have also seen a great interest in memberships, with reports across the country of increased applications hitting the desks of club managers since the game resumed, a trend supported by Golfshake Survey data. read more ...
Golfers Thoughts On Golf Being Back With Restrictions
Golf is back in England, but things aren't quite as we knew them, restrictions are in place, established potentially for months ahead, limiting tee times, enforcing social distancing, and shutting down clubhouse access. But what do the golfers themselves think about all this? Before play resumed, we asked them. read more ...
Are These the Issues Golf Clubs Still Need to Address
Golf clubs have made significant strides during the past decade to address concerns raised by the wider community of golfers, working hard to deliver a contemporary product that reflects the times, but continuing analysis of the 2019 Golfshake Survey, responded to by over 3,500, there are several key issues that need tackled in the future. read more ...
Importance Of Digital Technology For Golf Retail
This is a quickly evolving digital age, where online content dominates our lives, and golf has been significantly touched by that revolution, a fact underlined by insights gained from the 2019 Golfshake Survey, which has pointed a shift to the future, both for golfers and the wider industry. read more ...
What Golfers Think About Green Fee Pricing
We surveyed the Golfshake audience to get their views on green fee prices, the cost to be a visiting golfer and what they expect from the green fee that they pay. Find out what they said in this article. read more ...
How to Turn Unattached Golfers Into Golf Club Members
Golf will likely experience major changes in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, but one of the most key areas for the game to address is transforming unattached golfers into golf club members. Looking at data in the 2019 Golfshake Survey, we have identified factors that could help to increase membership. read more ...
Main Reasons Why Golfers Join Golf Clubs
Golf club membership remains the lifeblood of the sport, drawing in commitment from players who support their courses and play regularly throughout the year. We wanted to know the main reasons why golfers remain dedicated with their subscription to one venue, asking them why a membership was important read more ...
What Golfers Really Think About the Rules of Golf
The rules of golf remain a contentious topic, despite the modernised changes introduced last year by the R&A and USGA. Studying data from the 2019 Golfshake Survey, we have sought the opinion of everyday golfers to discover whether they fully understand the alterations that were made, agree with them, and perhaps more crucially, ask whether further modernisations are required. read more ...
Is Shortening Golf the Way to Grow the Game?
Gathering the views of thousands of golfers in the 2019 Golfshake Survey, when asked if the game should be developing more 'starter' courses, 78% of people responded with a very positive yes, raising the idea of creating shorter or adapted layouts to encourage a pathway for beginners. read more ...
Why Do We Play Golf?
Why do you play golf? Can you identify the specific appeal, or is it a multitude of reasons that make the game such an enriching part of your life? Finding that answer may help to understand methods of expanding the reach of the sport in future. We asked thousands of golfers in the Golfshake Survey to discover what draws them to golf. read more ...
The Use of Digital Tech is Essential For Golf Clubs
Following the completion of the 2019 Golfshake Survey, we discovered how responses have changed over the last two years, reflecting the continuing shift towards golfers become more digital and tech savvy, raising the question of whether the game is ready to full embrace and take advantage of these opportunities. read more ...
Why is the 7 Iron Your Favourite Club?
What is your favourite club in the bag? Unless you are one of those golfers who goes through dozens of putters and new sets of irons each season, then you probably have one. We asked thousands of players in the 2019 Golfshake Survey to name theirs, and the result may come as a surprise. read more ...
Should You Take More Responsibility on the Golf Course?
When to comes to customer satisfaction, golfers rate the quality of greens and condition of the course as the two factors they most value, but a majority believe that some venues aren't good enough. But how much is that the responsibility of the club to deliver, and to what degree can we all do more to help? read more ...
Majority of Golfers Continue to Play Through Bad Weather
Winter golf can be a tough sell in the UK, something that has been especially true in February. However, when it comes to the resilience of golfers, we have found that a majority of both club and non-club members will continue to play even when the weather turns inclement. read more ...
The Most Important Golf Club In Your Bag
The great Ben Hogan said that the three most vital clubs were the driver, putter, and wedge, in that order. But what do everyday golfers think is the Most Important Club in the Bag? We asked them in the 2019 Golfshake Survey, and the results may come as something of a surprise. read more ...
Are Membership Costs Too High And Green Fees Too Low?
Studying the results of the 2019 Golfshake Survey, the subject of cost in the game has risen, specifically whether the price of green fees has devalued club memberships in the modern age. We take a closer look at the topic, how golf compares to other industries, and whether there is an argument to adjust the expense of the sport for golfers. read more ...
What Golfers Think of 54 Handicaps
Golfshake's Derek Clements recently wrote two feature articles on the World Handicap System and Senior Golfers, both of which raised points that divided opinion. Gathering the views of the Golfshake Community, Derek responds in this piece. read more ...
How Far Should You Hit Your Driver?
Tour players are hitting the ball further than before, but is that the same for the average golfer? It has been hot topic of discussion since the R&A published their Distance Insights Project Report, and we have studied data to see just how far everyday golfers are driving across a range of handicap categories. read more ...
6 Things Your Golf Club Must Do in 2020
We all want to see golf growing, but can your club achieve that objective? Despite reports that golf continues to see declines, we look at six things that golf clubs should be doing in 2020 to ensure they thrive and grow into the new decade. read more ...
How to Speed Up Your Rounds of Golf
The 2019 Golfshake Survey has found that the vast majority of golfers still believe that slow play is a major issue for the game. But what can be done about it, both on tour and at club level, and how could that help you to get round the course faster? We take a look a the key factors and initiatives to find an answer. read more ...
Are You Hitting The Ball Further Than 5 Years Ago?
Distance is a persistently hot topic in the game, with greater numbers of tour players continuing to surpass 300 yards off the tee. But are regular, everyday golfers hitting the ball longer? We asked them in the 2019 Golfshake Survey, revealing that advancements in technology are being felt at club level. read more ...
Is Golf a Sport For Just 9 Months a Year?
In the face of short hours of daylight and often unpleasant weather conditions, the window for playing golf at this time of year becomes narrower, and often motivation to get out there is reduced. Responses to the Golfshake Survey have raised the idea of adopting a shorter, nine-month season. We explore the subject. read more ...
Are Fewer People Playing Golf in the UK?
It's a great time for British sport, but is that being reflected in the world of golf? Golfshake's Derek Clements reflects on the newly released Golf Participation Report by KPMG to see how the UK compares with the rest of Europe. read more ...
Is Golf Doing Enough?
Knowing that something needs addressed and actually doing something about it are two different things. There has been much said and written about how we can grow the game, but despite those lengthy debates, is golf collectively doing enough? read more ...
Why it Might be Time to Stop Carrying Your Golf Bag
Surveying thousands of golfers, we found that only 15% don't own a trolley. Are you one of those players who insist on carrying your bag? Golfshake's Derek Clements, himself a reluctant convert to the trolley, has some words for you. read more ...
How to Save Money When Playing Golf
There is a perception that golf is an expensive sport, and there is no denying that it can be. But there are things you can do to enjoy the sport without spending a fortune. Golfshake's Derek Clements shares his money-saving tips. read more ...
How to Support Your Local Golf Club
It is a harsh fact of life that we are seeing golf clubs close down at an alarming rate as memberships tumble. But if you support your local golf club and encourage others to do the same there is a chance that it might just survive. Here, we have some ideas. read more ...
Survey Analysis Captures Spending Habits of Golfers
Analysing the results of our 2018 Golf Survey, we have explored the spending habits of regular golfers and what they perceive to be value across the golf industry, capturing their views and relationship with the game. read more ...
What Stops Golfers Joining Clubs?
What stops regular nomadic golfers from joining clubs? Furthering on previous research, we delved into hundreds of comments submitted into our 2018 Survey to identify key areas that have dissauded these players from signing up to a membership. read more ...
The 20 Biggest Issues Facing Golf Clubs
We have analysed the considerable data and the hundreds of comments left by regular golfers in the 2018 Golfshake Survey to identify 20 key areas that the game needs to address if golf clubs are going to thrive into the future. read more ...
Is This How We Grow the Game of Golf?
Golf is looking for ways to adjust to the modern climate and ensure that clubs and have venues continue to draw new players and have a successful future. Looking at responses to our 2018 Golfshake Survey, we have picked out some possible suggestions that could make a positive difference for the game. read more ...
How Technology and Digital Platforms Can Benefit Golf
Everyone has a smartphone and these digital platforms are increasingly influential when it comes to how golfers consume and engage with the game. Adapting to this modern climate is a change for golf clubs and venues, but it has potential rewards. We delved into the 2018 Golfshake Survey to learn more about the role of technology in the lives of golfers. read more ...
What Stops Golfers Playing More?
From the 2018 Golfshake Survey, we wanted to understand the varying importance of key issues – including cost, slow play and dress codes – to identify what stops keen golfers from playing more often. read more ...
How to Increase Golf Club Memberships
The eternal question facing golf clubs is how they can attract new members. It’s a complicated subject, but perhaps the answer can be found in understanding what current members value most from their memberships, and what dissuades others from joining. We delved into responses to the 2018 Golfshake Survey to learn more. read more ...
Survey Highlights Opportunities for Golf Clubs to Increase Revenue
There is no question that it's a challenging environment for golf clubs to thrive, but where are the opportunities for venues to increase revenue? We delved into the 2018 Golfshake Survey to understand more about the habits and perceptions of golfers. read more ...
Golfshake Survey Reveals Dedication of Golfers to Game Improvement
In the latest instalment of our analysis from the 2018 Golfshake survey, canvassing the views of an almost 50/50 split between club members and non-club golfers, to learn more about their habits and approach when it comes to tuition and game improvement. read more ...
How Do Club and Non-Club Golfers Differ?
For the past five years on Golfshake, we have conducted an annual survey to gain an insight behind the evolving habits of regular golfers, split between golf club members and non-club members. We take a closer look at how these two groups differ. read more ...
The importance of digital tech and social media for golf
Digital platforms are becoming increasingly important for golf businesses and golf clubs with 90% of golfers surveyed in the 2017 Golfshake survey stating that they have a smartphone device. Digital services and apps are now a great way for golf businesses to connect and engage online. Find out more for the 2017 Golfshake survey. read more ...
Insights and analysis of golf course reviews
2017 saw another milestone on the Golfshake golf course review system with the first club passing 1,000 independent reviews as well as launching new and improved review categories. This article looks inside the data. read more ...
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