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The importance of digital tech and social media for golf

By: Golf Shake | Thu 07 Dec 2017

Research data from Golfshak 2016 & 2017 surveys completed by 4k golfers

Digital platforms are becoming increasingly important for golf businesses and golf clubs with 90% of golfers surveyed in the 2017 Golfshake survey stating that they have a smartphone device - this number rises to almost 100% for golfers under the age of 50.

In the age of digital the results of the survey still put TV as the #1 source of regular golf news and information but this is closely followed by golf websites which saw a 15% increase up to 47% of those completing the survey in 2017 compared to the figures in 2015.  Only 14% of those completing the survey stated they never visited golf websites.

From a social perspective golf websites still lead the way with 40-60 year old golfers but the data was not unsurprising and closely followed by Youtube.   Additionally 40% of respondents accessed golf related information via Facebook and this increased to 50% for 30-50 year old non club members.  Facebook was closely followed by Twitter and Instagram was a popular choice 4th choice increasing in numbers with younger audiences.

Analysing the data further the following table, from the results of the Golfshake survey, highlights social platforms that are never used for golf split across ages categories and identifies that only 1 out of every 5 golfers under 40 don't use Youtube. For golf businesses looking to communicate with the under 40 market golfers Youtube and Websites led the way followed by Facebook and Twitter with twitter seeing 1 in 2 golfers using for golf.

Golf survey data 2017

For golf clubs looking to communicate directly with golfers Whatsapp was one notably emerging platform that golfers of all ages used and this is of particular relevance given the high % of golfers who now have smartphone devices.

Finally, with the majority of golfers now having a smartphone and the increasing trend that includes the over 60s which was up to 80% - reaching golfers is becoming easier than ever albeit in a noisy digital world.  To add - 69% of golfers under 40, 47% of golfers aged 40-60 and 29% of golfers 60+ stated in the survey they accessed golf apps on their smarthphone. 

So for any golf business looking to reach and connect with golfers make sure you get online and fully embrace digital tech and adapt your marketing and content to the appropriate platform to maximise your engagement.  It is now easier than ever to reach an audience of golfers who want to know about your product or service.

Interested in how golf courses are reviewed online? read more here.

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Tags: Survey industry insider golfshake golf survey golf data

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