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Tag: Memberships

The Barriers to Become a Golf Club Member

Golfshake's Derek Clements has recently returned to playing golf after injury and wanted to join a club in his local area. But what he found was a frustrating experience full of barriers that made becoming a member more challenging and less appealing than it needs to be. read more ...

Which Type of Golf Membership Suits You Best

Golfers are spoiled for choice these days. Some prefer to stay unattached to any club and reap the benefits of playing wherever they want, whenever they feel like it. But that can have drawbacks. We look at several different golf membership options and explain which one may suit you, depending on what you seek to gain from recreational golf. read more ...

Where Do Golf Club Memberships Stand in 2023

What is the current state of golf club memberships ahead of the 2023 season? We all know that golf enjoyed a massive boom during the height of the pandemic, but does the picture remain quite so optimistic this year? Our latest survey has offered some fascinating insights. read more ...

Golf Clubs Are Benefiting From Putting Their Members First

Golf has seen many positives from the boom in playing numbers that coincided with the global pandemic. And the good news is that UK golf clubs seem to have got their act together and put the needs and demands of their members first. read more ...

Golfers Are Playing More Than Ever Before - But How Do You Compare

As life has slowly got back to something like normality, Golfshake subscribers generally got out there and played more rounds of golf than they had previously. But how do you compare to the playing habits of both club members and nomadic golfers? read more ...

When Should Golf Green Fees Stop Rising

With the cost of living rising, so too are green fees. As they continue to rise, many Golfshake subscribers have told us that they feel like they are being taken advantage of by golf clubs and venues. But where does it end? read more ...

10 Things Golf Clubs Must Do in 2022

Golf continues to enjoy a boom and while huge progress has been made in many areas it is clear that much still needs to be done to ensure that golf clubs capitalise on the upsurge in interest. In our most recent survey, we asked golfers to tell us about the way their clubs communicate with them. We wanted to understand how clubs engage with golfers and what they need to do to improve the experience and attract more visitors. read more ...

Golf is Cheaper Than You Might Think

We have recently seen a lot of controversy regarding rising visitor green fees and also increased membership prices at clubs, but the game may still be cheaper than you think. We take a closer look at how golf compares to other leisure activities and assess the value that green fees and memberships offer. read more ...

Tough Times For Nomadic Golfers But Should They Be Surprised

When golf resumed after lockdown, tee times were effectively like gold dust. The majority of clubs were only opening for members, meaning that the nomadic golfer was truly stuck in limbo. But as clubs prioritised their members, was it surprising that visitors were left out in the cold?  read more ...

How Golf Can Better Market Itself to New Players

Golf is always looking for ways to market itself towards new players, but what can be done to make the sport more attractive and welcoming to others? From the help of the Golfshake Community and the incredible responses from our recent survey, we look at some comments regarding how the game can further improve participation and secure its long-term future. read more ...

Is It Time For Golf Membership To Incorporate Several Courses

Satisfying demand from both members and visitors - while providing value - has been a challenge for golf clubs in recent times. In this changing world, could we see the idea of traditional memberships transform into something more radical and innovative? We look at the question of whether it's time for golf memberships to incorporate several courses. read more ...

How Long Will the Golf Boom Last?

Club golf has been patting itself on the back for the past 12 months as demand for membership has continued to soar. But is everything in the garden really as rosy as we would all like to think? We ran a survey in which we asked you for your feedback and found intriguing answers for the future. read more ...

Are Increased Golf Membership Fees Justified

Through a recent survey conducted by Golfshake, many golfers have commented on a rise of membership costs during the past year, which hasn't always been invested by clubs. We look at their responses and analyse whether increased membership fees are justified. read more ...

England Golf Relaunches Club Membership Campaign

England Golf has reinforced their commitment to club membership by re-launching its ‘Membership: Give it a Shot’ campaign that has been introduced to boost the numbers of golfers who belong to clubs. read more ...

Derbyshire Golf Course Reopens After 15 Months in Lockdown

Following an uncertain 15 months in lockdown, Pewit Golf Course in Derbyshire has finally reopened, much to the relief of local golfers who had furiously protested against the lengthy shutdown. read more ...

Iconic Stoke Park to Close For Two Years

Highly Recommended on Golfshake and regarded as one of England's premier venues, Stoke Park is set to close its doors for two years, a move that has stunned members just a month after the club was purchased by Indian billionaire businessman Mukesh Ambani. read more ...

Scenic Yorkshire Club Enjoys Benefits of Golf Boom

The picturesque Whitby Golf Club in Yorkshire has been enjoying the benefits of the nationwide golf boom, with the venue disclosing that it has gained 113 new members during the past year. read more ...

Number of Golfers in Great Britain & Ireland Reaches Highest Figure This Century

Much has been said and written about the staggering surge in golf participation that was recorded last year, but new data published by The R&A has emphasised just how impressive the numbers were. read more ...

Will Lockdown Golf Club Members Rejoin at Renewal

A surge in golf club membership numbers through the summer of 2020 was one unexpected side effect of the pandemic. But with the fresh cohort of members coming off the back of three months enforced inactivity, what are golf clubs doing to ensure that their new intake get the value from their membership that will see them signing up again at renewal? read more ...

There Is More To Golf Than Just Being A Golf Club Member

This past year has seen an extraordinary surge in demand for golf club memberships, leading to a considerable number of venues restoring waiting lists and entry fees. However, despite that, a significant proportion of golfers continue to remain unattached. And there is nothing wrong with that. It got us thinking about a key question; is golf as a whole overly focused on trying to create more club members? read more ...

How One Golf Club Has Flourished During The Pandemic

Historic Wirral Golf Club is looking ahead with optimism towards the return of play in England, having enjoyed a stunning transformation in fortunes, building towards a bright future. Golfshake's Derek Clements spoke with Keith Mollan and Sean Bailey to learn more about why this venue has flourished. read more ...

The Online Club For Nomadic Golfers Offers Even More Courses

Looking ahead to the return of golf in England, the online club targeted at nomadic golfers, Ready Golf, has confirmed that it now offers even more courses, giving members access to a wide range of venues for one single, annual fee. read more ...

Golf Can Expect Even Bigger Boom in 2021

Last year's unexpected golf boom saw a record surge in memberships, a stunning demand for tee times, and left us with a reported doubling of waiting lists at clubs. Now we have the confirmed return date for play in England, the key question is whether 2020's unprecedented enthusiasm can be replicated during the 2021 season. And early signs are that it may ultimately be surpassed. read more ...

What Does The Future Hold For Nomadic Golfers

What does the future hold for golfers who are not members of golf clubs? With courses still closed across most of the United Kingdom and the future looking pretty uncertain for us all, does the nomadic golfer still have a future, or will life become more difficult for them? It's certain to be a major issue in the game once play resumes. read more ...

Will the Golf Boom Be Replicated in 2021

Last year was an extraordinary one for club golf. With courses closed for months it would be fair to assume that the picture was a bleak one, but precisely the opposite happened. But can that enthusiasm be replicated in 2021? It's a unique challenge and innovative thinking will be required to keep the numbers up. read more ...

What Is Happening With Your Golf Club Membership

It's that time of year when golfers renew their memberships, but with the pandemic continuing to complicate things, how is that going to work when most of us can't play? To understand more about the situation, we surveyed 600 avid golfers to discover their plans for the coming year, which made for fascinating reading. read more ...

Younger Golfers Drawn Into Game During 2020

There has been much said about the golf boom following the first lockdown in the UK, but PlayMoreGolf, the flexible membership offering, has reported a staggering spike 260% spike in new members, including a notable drop in the age of golfers. read more ...

What Makes New Golfers Different

Golf enjoyed an unprecedented boom in 2020 in the most trying and difficult of circumstances. Countless people have returned to the game for the first time in years, while others took it up for the first time after weeks in lockdown. But how do these new golfers differ from traditional and long-standing club members? We identified several key themes. read more ...

How to Get More Juniors Playing Golf

While golf remains highly popular and naturally appealing to older people, can the game do more to connect with the next generation? Clearly, a significant number of golfers feel that the sport must become more dynamic and engaging in the future. Golfshake's Derek Clements shares his thoughts on how that can happen. read more ...

Golfers Address Issues Facing the Game

While there has been cause for optimism in the game due to the enthusiasm of golfers in the midst of the pandemic, the deeper issues remain for many, factors that need addressing in the future for the sport to thrive in the post-COVID climate. We look at the key areas that continue to concern golfers. read more ...

Golfers Are Optimistic About Future of UK Golf Clubs

The year began with fears of mass golf course closures, but following this most unique of seasons, are golfers feeling optimistic about the future? Apparently so. When asked, 75% of golfers said they were. Golfshake's Derek Clements looks deeper into the comments and what can be learned from them. read more ...

What Made Golfers Play More This Summer

During lockdown most of us were going stir crazy and we missed playing golf. However, when the game returned, the sport boomed, thousands joined clubs and we played more than ever before. Looking at comments submitted by regular golfers, Derek Clements analyses the factors that drew us back to our courses. read more ...

The Reasons Golfers Joined Golf Clubs in Record Numbers

England Golf declared that over 20,000 new members have joined golf clubs this season, but that figure could be closer to 100,000. Ultimately, it's clear that the game has seen an unexpected level of growth, but the question for the industry to ponder is why did so many join golf clubs this year?  read more ...

Why Tee Time Access is Golf's Biggest Challenge This Autumn

Golf has enjoyed a staggering boom during these extraordinary times, a dramatic turnaround that now presents another kind of challenge, namely how to address the impact of supply and demand with tee time availability. We look at why finding a way to keep everyone happy, delivering value for money, and ensuring opportunities to play in the face of narrowing hours of daylight, is the major test for the game this autumn. read more ...

Popular Alternatives to Traditional Golf Club Memberships

Golf club memberships have gone through the roof since lockdown ended, but many golfers would still rather continue their nomadic existence than join a club. Fortunately, they have lots of choice. We take a look at the alternatives out there, the schemes and possible options that golfers have to play a variety of courses for great value. read more ...

Golf is Booming - Let's Make Sure it Continues

The number of rounds played are up. Club memberships have increased. All the evidence suggests that club golf is booming in the UK, but can that be sustained into the future? Golfshake's Derek Clements looks at stories of courses that have transformed themselves, reflecting on the wider picture and this unique opportunity for the game. read more ...

English Golf Clubs Report Astonishing Surge in New Members

This has been a year that none of us will forget, but one positive sight has been the widespread image of busy courses throughout the summer, with golf clubs reporting a staggering rise in new memberships, presenting an encouraging opportunity for the industry to embrace. read more ...

Littlestone Golf Club Experiences Surge in New Members

The acclaimed Littlestone Golf Club in Kent has experienced a surge in public interest since the game resumed across the country, seeing a notable rise in membership enquiries for both its Championship and Warren Courses, including beginners who want to take up the ancient game for the first time. read more ...

New Golf Membership Club Launched in South East of England

Launching from Saturday 1st August, The Save Par Club is a new membership club for golfers in the South East of England, securing players discounts across various partnered courses throughout Kent, Surrey, Sussex and Essex. read more ...

More Young People Are Becoming Junior Members

Presenting an encouraging sign for the future of the game, The Golf Foundation has revealed that more young people are signing up as junior members, and staying part of golf clubs, through the HSBC Golf Roots Programme.  read more ...

England Golf Launches Campaign to Drive Memberships

Showcasing core values of equality, diversity, family and community, England Golf is calling for more golfers to give membership a shot in a new campaign that is seeking to maximise the opportunity from increased participation levels since the emerged from lockdown. read more ...

UK Golf Clubs Report Stunning Rise in New Members

Many golf clubs across the UK have reported dramatic increases in membership, including several notable stories of remarkable revival, but as Golfshake's Derek Clements notes, that positive trend is real, but there remains key challenges for some venues. read more ...

New Online Club Provides Nomadic Golfers With Multi Course Membership

Nomadic golfers love the freedom of playing multiple courses, but that can be expensive in the face of rising green fees, but the newly launched online golf club, Ready Golf, could be the answer, offering those players with access to a series of renowned courses for a single membership fee. read more ...

Where Senior Golfers Stand in the Game - What You Said

Golfshake writer and senior golfer Derek Clements reviews and breaks down the findings of a recent survey that focused on the attitudes of golfers, specifically with regards to senior golf, asking key questions about memberships, pace of play, and just how important this demograpgic is for clubs. read more ...

New Members Flood Back To Golf - But Will It Last

Golf clubs across the UK have reported a surge in new members, a much welcome boost, but can that positive momentum be maintained into the future? Golfshake's Derek Clements looks at how venues are adapting to take advantage of this opportunity and transform the revival into a longer-term benefit. read more ...

How The Coronavirus Pandemic Could Impact Golf Club Memberships

Golf continues to go through historically testing times, but looking at the wider impact on memberships for clubs, Golfshake has surveyed core golfers, highlighting their willingness to support venues, but also presenting opportunities that could emerge in the future once a sense of normality returns. read more ...

Are These the Issues Golf Clubs Still Need to Address

Golf clubs have made significant strides during the past decade to address concerns raised by the wider community of golfers, working hard to deliver a contemporary product that reflects the times, but continuing analysis of the 2019 Golfshake Survey, responded to by over 3,500, there are several key issues that need tackled in the future. read more ...

How to Turn Unattached Golfers Into Golf Club Members

Golf will likely experience major changes in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, but one of the most key areas for the game to address is transforming unattached golfers into golf club members. Looking at data in the 2019 Golfshake Survey, we have identified factors that could help to increase membership. read more ...

Golf Must Not Resume Despite Contrary Calls

During the current lockdown, many golfers are understandably frustrated that they cannot play, especially as the main season should be here. We take a closer look at their comments on the subject, asking whether courses should reopen, and what their views are on paying membership fees. read more ...

Main Reasons Why Golfers Join Golf Clubs

Golf club membership remains the lifeblood of the sport, drawing in commitment from players who support their courses and play regularly throughout the year. We wanted to know the main reasons why golfers remain dedicated with their subscription to one venue, asking them why a membership was important read more ...

Is Shortening Golf the Way to Grow the Game?

Gathering the views of thousands of golfers in the 2019 Golfshake Survey, when asked if the game should be developing more 'starter' courses, 78% of people responded with a very positive yes, raising the idea of creating shorter or adapted layouts to encourage a pathway for beginners. read more ...

Close House Introduces Country Membership Initiative

The British Masters is returning to Close House later this year, but through the introduction of Country Membership, golfers have the opportunity to experience this acclaimed venue for themselves on a regular basis. read more ...

Why Do We Play Golf?

Why do you play golf? Can you identify the specific appeal, or is it a multitude of reasons that make the game such an enriching part of your life? Finding that answer may help to understand methods of expanding the reach of the sport in future. We asked thousands of golfers in the Golfshake Survey to discover what draws them to golf. read more ...

Should You Take More Responsibility on the Golf Course?

When to comes to customer satisfaction, golfers rate the quality of greens and condition of the course as the two factors they most value, but a majority believe that some venues aren't good enough. But how much is that the responsibility of the club to deliver, and to what degree can we all do more to help? read more ...

Are Membership Costs Too High And Green Fees Too Low?

Studying the results of the 2019 Golfshake Survey, the subject of cost in the game has risen, specifically whether the price of green fees has devalued club memberships in the modern age. We take a closer look at the topic, how golf compares to other industries, and whether there is an argument to adjust the expense of the sport for golfers. read more ...

Why Members Locker Rooms Are a Good Thing

When you visit a golf club, do you view locker rooms for members as exclusive or antiquated? Golfshake's Will Trinkwon can understand that perspective, but he believes that there is a charm about these facilities that make venues distinctive. read more ...

Littlestone Attracts Younger Golfers With Revamped Memberships

Kent's Littlestone Golf Club has sought to attract younger golfers to its revered course and the adjacent Warren Club by revamping its membership structure, providing incredible value for several key age groups. read more ...

Don't Expect Senior Golfers to Solve the Game's Problems

Golf clubs are searching for routes to increase revenue, but is there any weight to the idea of charging those who play the most, more for their memberships? Golfshake's Derek Clements rejects the thought of senior golfers paying more, describing the vital benefits they already bring to the game. read more ...

6 Things Your Golf Club Must Do in 2020

We all want to see golf growing, but can your club achieve that objective? Despite reports that golf continues to see declines, we look at six things that golf clubs should be doing in 2020 to ensure they thrive and grow into the new decade. read more ...

New Owners Aim to Revitalise Unique Sunningdale Heath Golf Club

For almost a century, the unique and historic Sunningdale Heath Golf Club only admitted female members, but this intriguing venue is set to be transformed by new owners, who are seeking to attract younger golfers from both genders read more ...

Is Golf a Sport For Just 9 Months a Year?

In the face of short hours of daylight and often unpleasant weather conditions, the window for playing golf at this time of year becomes narrower, and often motivation to get out there is reduced. Responses to the Golfshake Survey have raised the idea of adopting a shorter, nine-month season. We explore the subject. read more ...

Has Club Golf Moved Forward During the Past Decade?

It has been quite a decade for club golf, a transitional period, much has changed as the game looks to adapt to the modern age. But how successful has that time been, and what more needs done? Golfshake's Derek Clements shares his perspective. read more ...

Are Fewer People Playing Golf in the UK?

It's a great time for British sport, but is that being reflected in the world of golf? Golfshake's Derek Clements reflects on the newly released Golf Participation Report by KPMG to see how the UK compares with the rest of Europe. read more ...

Is Golf Doing Enough?

Knowing that something needs addressed and actually doing something about it are two different things. There has been much said and written about how we can grow the game, but despite those lengthy debates, is golf collectively doing enough? read more ...

Benefits of Golf for the Over 50s

One of the attractions of this wonderful game of ours is that you can carry on playing to a decent standard for as long as you still have breath in your body. Golfshake's Derek Clements looks at just some of the benefits of playing golf for the over-50s. read more ...

How Do Club and Non-Club Golfers Differ?

For the past five years on Golfshake, we have conducted an annual survey to gain an insight behind the evolving habits of regular golfers, split between golf club members and non-club members. We take a closer look at how these two groups differ. read more ...

England Golf Survey Presents Optimistic Picture for Memberships

So it turns out that it is not all doom and gloom at England’s golf clubs after all. There has long been a perception that the game at club level is in freefall, but England Golf’s biennial survey of 426 clubs around the country would indicate that is not the case at all. Golfshake's Derek Clements reports. read more ...

20 Reasons Why People Don't Join Golf Clubs

Why are more golfers deciding not to join golf clubs? Golfshake's Derek Clements has considered the reasons, and has noted 20 candid and often amusing possibilties as to why memberships are not for everyone. read more ...

PlayMoreGolf Offers Flexible Memberships at Eight More UK Clubs

PlayMoreGolf, the programme that offers a flexible points-based membership, is continuing its transformation of the UK golf landscape after successfully integrating eight further venues since February 2017.  read more ...

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