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Tag: rules

The Most Confusing Rules in Golf

People getting involved with golf for the first time could be forgiven for feeling somewhat confused by the sport’s rules. Golfshake's Derek Clements has played the game all his life and still finds some of the rules and regulations utterly bemusing. read more ...

7 Rules That Every Golfer Needs to Know

The R&A have attempted to simplify the Rules of Golf, but there are still two dozen general sections, each with a myriad of sub-rulings to cater for almost any circumstance that may crop up. So, for the time being, let’s focus on some of the most useful, and frequently encountered by the regular weekend warrior! read more ...

The World Handicap System - Golfers Have Their Say

The World Handicap System was introduced last year in an attempt to simplify matters and make golf a fairer game for everybody who plays it. We recently conducted a survey designed to find out what golfers make of it all. Unsurprisingly, we got a real mixed bag of results. Some of you believe it is a fairer system, others still cannot make head nor tail of it, while others still struggle to understand why things were changed in the first place. read more ...

Governing Bodies Propose Major Changes to Golf Equipment Rules

The distance debate in golf has been one of the game's most enduring sagas, but that discourse will now take on an accelerated pace following The R&A and USGA's new Distance Insights Update, which establishes the battleground for the months and years to come, potentially setting the stage for a historic change in the sport. read more ...

The World Handicap System Officially Launches

Following a lengthy development and education process, the World Handicap System (WHS) has officially launched in the UK, marking the most significant change for handicapping since the process was introduced over a century ago. read more ...

Golfers Give the World Handicap System a Thumbs Up

Following months of debate and scrutiny, the World Handicap System is finally here, but will this new process be a positive for golf worldwide? All in all, on closer inspection, golfers have given it an endorsing thumbs up, with many believing that it's a welcome step that is heading in the right direction for the game. read more ...

World Handicap System - A Step Forward Or Cause For Confusion

The World Handicap System has been designed to make the game more accessible and inclusive, but the reality is that a significant number of golfers don't agree, with a worrying proportion not understanding the changes or why they have been introduced, believing that the new process will only make things more complicated and contentious. read more ...

The World Handicap System - Your Questions Answered

Launching in the UK this November, the World Handicap System is a major introduction for the game, which is designed to be a unified and inclusive process across the sport. But do golfers completely understand it? We put key questions to Gemma Hunter, Head of Handicapping at England Golf, hopefully clearing things up. read more ...

R&A Provides Update on Club Competitions During Pandemic

In the wake of coronavirus, the status of competitive golf, at least at club level, has been obscure. But now the R&A has issued guidance on how club competitions should be run during this period and how the normal rules of golf will be affected. read more ...

World Handicap System Toolkit Launched for Golf Clubs

Ahead of the World Handicap System (WHS) being introduced later this year, England Golf has launched a new bespoke toolkit for clubs, furthering a nationwide education campaign that has been named 'Know the Score' to help golfers and get ready for the major change. read more ...

What Golfers Really Think About the Rules of Golf

The rules of golf remain a contentious topic, despite the modernised changes introduced last year by the R&A and USGA. Studying data from the 2019 Golfshake Survey, we have sought the opinion of everyday golfers to discover whether they fully understand the alterations that were made, agree with them, and perhaps more crucially, ask whether further modernisations are required. read more ...

Should You Take More Responsibility on the Golf Course?

When to comes to customer satisfaction, golfers rate the quality of greens and condition of the course as the two factors they most value, but a majority believe that some venues aren't good enough. But how much is that the responsibility of the club to deliver, and to what degree can we all do more to help? read more ...

The Solution to Golf's Distance Issue

Following the publishing of the R&A and USGA's Distance Report, Golfshake's Derek Clements takes a light-hearted view of the debate, coming up with his own unique solution to an issue that is set to envelop the game during the months and years ahead. read more ...

What Golfers Think of 54 Handicaps

Golfshake's Derek Clements recently wrote two feature articles on the World Handicap System and Senior Golfers, both of which raised points that divided opinion. Gathering the views of the Golfshake Community, Derek responds in this piece. read more ...

Governing Bodies to Finally Address Increasing Distance in Golf

Tour professionals are hitting the ball further than they used to. Much further. And now the R&A and USGA have finally decided that something that must be done to tackle the issue and preserve the game. Golfshake's Derek Clements shares his thoughts on a huge story in the future of golf. read more ...

What is Wrong With Golfers Having a 54 Handicap?

Coming in November, the World Handicap System is destined to change the game as we know it, with one of the early main concerns being the increase of a maximum handicap to 54. But is this a problem? Golfshake's Derek Clements explains why he doesn't understand what the fuss is all about. read more ...

6 Things Your Golf Club Must Do in 2020

We all want to see golf growing, but can your club achieve that objective? Despite reports that golf continues to see declines, we look at six things that golf clubs should be doing in 2020 to ensure they thrive and grow into the new decade. read more ...

The World Handicap System - All You Need to Know

Monumental changes are coming to golf in 2020, with the launch of the new World Handicap System, which aims to provide us all with a unified and more inclusive system for the first time. But what does that mean for you? Golfshake's Derek Clements takes a closer look at the system and explains. read more ...

Craziest Mistakes That Golfers Make

Eddie Pepperell was disqualified at the Turkish Airlines Open after literally running out of golf balls during his third round. Such a bizarre scenario got us thinking about some of the most unusual incidents, daft mistakes and mishaps that we have seen on tour. read more ...

Are Fewer People Playing Golf in the UK?

It's a great time for British sport, but is that being reflected in the world of golf? Golfshake's Derek Clements reflects on the newly released Golf Participation Report by KPMG to see how the UK compares with the rest of Europe. read more ...

How to Save Your Golf Course This Winter

Your golf club needs your help this winter. Adam Matthews, the Course Manager at Moor Allerton in Yorkshire, has shared his thoughts on ten things that we can all do to protect our precious golf courses throughout the winter months. read more ...

Pro Golfer Penalised 58 Strokes in Senior Event

It pays to know the rules. Such was the fate of Lee Ann Walker during the Senior LPGA Championship, who was penalised a staggering 58 strokes over two rounds after being found unaware of a key change made to the laws of the game.  read more ...

Is Golf Doing Enough?

Knowing that something needs addressed and actually doing something about it are two different things. There has been much said and written about how we can grow the game, but despite those lengthy debates, is golf collectively doing enough? read more ...

Should You Leave the Flagstick In When Putting?

Should you leave the pin in the hole when putting? That is a question that golfers have been asking themselves since January. We polled and gathered the views of regular golfers to see what impact - either positive or negative - the new rule has made. read more ...

Tour Players Turn Against Governing Bodies Over New Rules

We now be in March, but the debate around the news of golf rumbles on, with Justin Thomas being the most outspoken of the leading players against the changes, leading to an embarrassing exchange with the USGA on Twitter. Golfshake's Derek Clements delves into the controversy. read more ...

New Rule is Driving Top Professionals to Distraction

Much has been said about golf's new rules, but one in particular - dropping the ball from knee height - has been a been frequently criticised by the game's best players, many of whom are forgetting to adapt during these early stages.  read more ...

Pelley Applies Voice of Reason Over Li Haotong Penalty

There has been much discussion and controversy surrounding a penalty Haotong Li received at the conclusion of the Dubai Desert Classic, which has led to outrage from players, and statements from both the European Tour and R&A. Golfshake's Derek Clements tries to make sense of it all. read more ...

Have the Rule Makers Dropped a Clanger?

Golf's new rules weren't going to please everyone, and one in particularly has many top professionals talking, specifically the fact that the drops will have to be taken from knee height. Golfshake's Derek Clements asks, have the rule makers dropped a clanger? read more ...

Top 8 New Rules of Golf Explained

Much publicised, debated and scrutinised, the Rules of Golf were updated for 2019. Jonathan Pearson, the Head Professional of the Yorkshire Golf Academy based at Moor Allerton Golf Club, takes us through eight key rules on the golf course, outlining the various scenarios and explaining what comes next. read more ...

Top 10 New Golf Rules You Must Know

Golf's new rules came into effect at the beginning of the year, with golfers now having the opportunity to play under those conditions. If you are looking for a quick review of the key changes and additions to be mindful of when on the golf course, Golfshake's Derek Clements has picked out ten. read more ...

The Rules of Golf are Changing and May Confuse

From January 1st, the Rules of Golf will have been updated and modernised, with several notable changes. Golfshake's Derek Clements questions a few of the alterations, and believes that they could lead to confusion and controversy on tour and at regular golf clubs. read more ...

Friday Update - 9/11/18

Golfshake's Joe Hughes takes a look at some of golf's biggest talking points from the past week, including a major rules controversy, a possible change of equipment brand for the world number one, and Brandon Stone's quest to make a hole-in-one. read more ...

When it Pays to Know the Rules

Golf prides Itself on its unwritten code of ethics, which is why there is always such a furore when a professional is caught breaking the rules. The story of Doris Chen in LPGA Qualifying School is just the latest example. Golfshake's Derek Clements looks at a few of the controversies that have made the headlines. read more ...

Friday Update - 26/10/2018

Including more on the new Rules of Golf, the unique sight of a grooveless wedge, and the extraordinary odds defying achievement of an Australian golfer, Golfshake's Joe Hughes shares this brief overview of some of golf's talking points from the last week. read more ...

The Best of Barry Rhodes on the Rules of Golf

Team Golfshake was saddened to hear of the death of Barry Rhodes, who regularly contributed articles and content related to the rules of golf on this website. We share many of the best that he shared, which should inform and educated golfers. read more ...

Understanding Golf's New and Modernised Rule Book

The R&A and USGA recently unveiled the Rules of Golf from 2019, which included a raft of major changes and updates. Golfshake's Derek Clements delves into what has been altered and modernised, and what it means for your game. read more ...

Modernised Rules of Golf Unveiled for 2019

The R&A and USGA have unveiled the new Rules of Golf to be introduced from 2019, following an extensive review of proposed changes that are certain to generate debate among golfers throughout the game. read more ...

New Rules on Video Reviews Close Door on Viewers Calling In at Tournaments

Following consultation with a comprehensive working group, The R&A and USGA have announced an updated set of protocols for video review in tournaments when applying the Rules of Golf, effectively closing the window on viewers calling in to report potential infractions that they have spotted on television. read more ...

Bizarre Rules Controversy Dominates Korean LPGA Tour Event

So here we go yet again with another bizarre rules controversy -  and this one may have passed you by because it occurred in a relatively minor Korean LPGA Tour event. Nevertheless, it is a cracker. Derek Clements reports. read more ...

Rules, Rules and Yet MORE Broken Rules

Last week at the Presidents Cup, there was a dramatic rules incident involving Jordan Spieth. It's just the latest in several eye-catching situations, but Derek Clements has brought together ten more examples through the years that made headlines. read more ...

10 Famous Golf Rule Infringements

Matthew Southgate received a four-shot penalty after failing to replace his ball after a putt had been struck by a stray leaf. Derek Clements takes a look at some other rules issues and controversies that we've seen in the game through the years. read more ...

Matthew Southgate Assessed Four Shot Penalty after Leaf Strikes Ball

In just the latest example of golf's regularly baffling rules tripping up an unsuspecting player, Matthew Southgate - the popular Englishman who is attempting to secure a PGA Tour card - found himself the victim of a four-shot penalty following a bizarre incident that saw his ball struck by a leaf as he attempted to hole a putt. read more ...

R&A and USGA to Review Use of Green Reading Books

The R&A and USGA have released a statement that confirms their attention to review the use of green reading books and guides thave become common on the tour. Future action is expected on the devices that have been suggested to reduce the skill of judging break when putting. read more ...

Rules Changes Are Step in the Right Direction

The R&A and USGA's proposed changes to the Rules of Golf had been widely praised, but not without some caveats. Golfshake's Derek Clements gives his thoughts on what was right, and where further alterations are required. read more ...

R&A and USGA Modernise Rules with Historic Changes

In a historic event, the R&A and USGA have unveiled a proposed update to the Rules of Golf, which is all part of an effort to modernise and simplify the Rules and make them easier both to apply and understand. read more ...

R&A and USGA Announce Post-Dustin Johnson Putting Rule

In a decison that most would suggest is common sense, the R&A and USGA have announced the introduction of a Local Rule that eliminates the penalty when a ball is accidentally moved on the putting green. read more ...

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