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Tag: stats

The 54 Toughest Golf Holes of 2020

The Golfshake Score Tracker was busier than ever before in 2020, with thousands of golfers tracking their scores in record numbers. Consequently, we have a vast database of stats to reflect upon from the past season, including discovering some true card-wreckers across the United Kingdom and Ireland. From the iconic 18th at The Belfry to Auchmill Golf Club in Aberdeenshire, we have identified 54 of the Toughest Golf Holes of 2020!  read more ...

The Toughest Par 5s in England

Par 5s can be punishingly lengthy or intelligently strategic. There are long holes that are difficult for all standards of golfers, where escaping with a five should be considered a good result. We have studied the Golfshake Score Tracker to identify the 20 Toughest Par 5s in England.  read more ...

The Toughest Par 4s in England

Par 4s are the foundation of most golf courses and come in all shapes and sizes, but we wanted to find out what the toughest are in England. Studying data in the Golfshake Score Tracker, here are some of the most difficult, those holes that put a blemish on more cards than not. read more ...

Are These the Most Birdied Opening Holes in the UK

The opening hole to a round can set the tone of the day. Establishing a positive start is a challenge, but there are some layouts that introduce golfers in a more relaxed fashion. We have studied the Golfshake Score Tracker to help identify some of the easiest 1st holes in the UK, picking out the most birdied in 2020. read more ...

Golfers Make Even More Birdies as Summer of Golf Continues

Following last week's booming introduction to #BirdieClub, thousands of additional golfers have tracked their rounds on Golfshake, making even more birdies as this summer of golf progresses into late July. read more ...

The Most Difficult Par 3s England

Most courses have that one tricky and memorable short hole, those alluring designs that are rife with danger. We wanted to discover the par 3s that give our golfers nightmares, and the only way to find them was to delve into the Golfshake Score Tracker, uncovering some of the toughest in England. read more ...

The Most Difficult 1st Holes in the UK

Getting off to a good start is often vital for a successful round, but that can be easier said than done at certain courses. We have analysed rounds submitted into the Golfshake Score Tracker since May, picking out those tricky opening holes that have challenged golfers, featuring some of the earliest card-wreckers in the game. read more ...

What Do Golf Stats Mean?

Golf is ideal for producing various performance stats to break your game down, but with the various acronyms and jargon, you could become a little lost as to what half of the stats actually mean. So, we have put together this quick explainer that should provide greater understanding and insight behind tracking and benchmarking your golf game. read more ...

How Far Should You Hit Your Driver?

Tour players are hitting the ball further than before, but is that the same for the average golfer? It has been hot topic of discussion since the R&A published their Distance Insights Project Report, and we have studied data to see just how far everyday golfers are driving across a range of handicap categories. read more ...

18 Toughest Holes on The Open Rota

There are 180 holes that comprise the Open Championship rotation, but which are the most difficult for average golfers? Looking at a decade of statistics from the Golfshake Score Tracker, we have been able to identify some of the most testing holes based on the scorecards of Golfshake Members. read more ...

Are You Hitting The Ball Further Than 5 Years Ago?

Distance is a persistently hot topic in the game, with greater numbers of tour players continuing to surpass 300 yards off the tee. But are regular, everyday golfers hitting the ball longer? We asked them in the 2019 Golfshake Survey, revealing that advancements in technology are being felt at club level. read more ...

The Scariest Holes in Golf

What are the scariest holes to play in golf? We have studied the most famously difficult ones, analysed stats from everyday golfers, and picked our own individual horrors, to identify holes that will strike fear into your heat. read more ...

How Many Bogeys Do You Make a Round?

How many bogeys or worse do you make during the average round? We analysed 100,000 scores tracked on Golfshake to identify the number of disasters that golfers across each handicap category have on their card. read more ...

How You Compare to the Best Putters on Tour

How good are you on the greens? We have taken a closer look at putting stats on the PGA, European, LPGA and Champions Tours, comparing with the tracking data of regular golfers on Golfshake, to see how each group matches up across various levels. read more ...

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