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Tag: Covid 19

Personal Benefits of Golf During Pandemic Showcased by Academic Study

The UK Government has announced that golf courses should reopen across England from 29 March, while they have remained open in Scotland. But there has yet been no commitment from the devolved administrations in Wales and Northern Ireland. However, it's hoped that they will soon for the benefits offered. A joint study from Abertay University in Dundee and York St John University has investigated the impact of lockdown on golfers, revealing the wellbeing benefits of playing an outdoor course read more ...

2020 Golf Year In Review - That Was Year That Was ....

Derek Clements reports on the year that was.  Golf by design brings us together but its importance was put into perspective by the pandemic that gripped the world in 2020.  Derek looks back over the last 10 months which saw courses forced to close, golfers confined to their homes and events cancelled. read more ...

Things We Learned During And After The Lockdowns

It has been an extraordinary year, one that we will never forget. We have spent much of it in lockdown and for golfer that meant weeks forced away from the game that we all love. So what did we learn about golf and about ourselves doing these strange times? read more ...

Golfers Ready To Commit To Winter Season

Following this most unique of years and the remarkable summer golf boom, it will be fascinating to see whether that interest can be maintained throughout the winter months. Surveying 1,700 avid golfers, we discovered their plans for the winter season ahead. read more ...

Golf is Back in England But Will You Be Rushing Out To Play?

What a relief that most of us can get back out there and start playing golf again. It’s been a tough few weeks, with so much uncertainty surrounding whether or not we would be able to return. But with the imminent return of the tier system, it signals the way for courses to reopen in England.  But will you get back out playing? read more ...

Should Golf Courses Close Or Time To Keep Golf Open

Golfshake writer Derek Clements reacts to the latest announcement from the UK government and the forthcoming lockdown which will see golf courses close across England. With a growing campaign to #KeepGolfOpen an online petition has already surpassed 100,000 votes required for debate in parliament.  Should there be a U-turn to keep golf open? read more ...

How COVID Has Impacted Golf Spending Habits

The coronavirus pandemic is a major public health crisis, but also an economic one, significantly impacting every industry, including golf. Analysing the latest Golfshake Survey that was completed by over 2,500 keen golfers, we look into how COVID-19 has changed travel and spending habits in the game. read more ...

Glorious Weather Turns Us Into Fitness Fanatics

Following the easing of some lockdown restrictions, Golfshake's Derek Clements shares the latest entry in his weekly diary, reflecting on the rise of outdoor exercise, the anxieties of the current situation, what has been lost, and some thoughts on the future. read more ...

England Golf Confirms Return of Three and Fourball Golf

Since golf returned in England, play has largely been restricted to singles and pairings between members of two households, but following the next stage of UK Government phased loosening of lockdown, England Golf has now confirmed that three and four balls may resume at courses in England between members of up to four households read more ...

Non-Club Golfers React to Tee Time Availability & Green Fee Prices

Golf is now back across the UK, ushering in stories of unprecedented demand, packed courses, an influx of new members joining, and restrictions in light of safety measures. But how has it gone for non-club members? We surveyed nearly 1,000 of them, canvassing their views on the difficulties of securing tee times, whether green fees have been increased, and what they hope the future holds. read more ...

New Members Flood Back To Golf - But Will It Last

Golf clubs across the UK have reported a surge in new members, a much welcome boost, but can that positive momentum be maintained into the future? Golfshake's Derek Clements looks at how venues are adapting to take advantage of this opportunity and transform the revival into a longer-term benefit. read more ...

Golf to Resume in Scotland From May 29

Since March 23, the iconic courses of the Home of Golf have lain dormant, but two months on, the ancient game has finally been given the green light to resume in Scotland. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon had outlined the Scottish Government's phased route from lockdown, beginning next week, part of which saw a relaxation on physical activities, golf included among them.  read more ...

Golf Clubs Ensure Confidence With Safety Guidelines

Following the loosening of lockdown restrictions, golf clubs had a responsibility to deliver the game safely, introducing protocols and guidelines, providing confidence to their members and visitors. The Springs and Kilnwick Percy, both part of the Darwin Escapes group, are fine examples on the importance of communication, clarity and careful planning. read more ...

Unattached Golfers Express Willingness to Join Clubs

Golf clubs throughout England have experienced an unprecedented level of demand for tee times since venues reopened, but they have also seen a great interest in memberships, with reports across the country of increased applications hitting the desks of club managers since the game resumed, a trend supported by Golfshake Survey data. read more ...

Ready, Steady, Golf!

Golf is back throughout much of the UK & Ireland, but due to social distancing restrictions, the game isn't quite what we knew, two-balls are mandatory, clubhouses are closed, and those post-round drinks are a thing of memory. However, Golfshake's Derek Clements has taken a fantastical gaze ahead, looking forward to a day when full normality returns. read more ...

Golf Has a Chance to Grasp That May Never Come Again

English golfers have been flocking back to their courses in huge numbers, but not everyone is happy, and many non-club members haven't been able to play. However, Golfshake's Derek Clements believes that this unique time presents an incredible opportunity for the game to revitalise memberships and draw in new players. read more ...

Golfers Thoughts On Golf Being Back With Restrictions

Golf is back in England, but things aren't quite as we knew them, restrictions are in place, established potentially for months ahead, limiting tee times, enforcing social distancing, and shutting down clubhouse access. But what do the golfers themselves think about all this? Before play resumed, we asked them. read more ...

Golfer Makes Hole in One With First Shot Back After Lockdown

The magic of golf, the lure that always makes us come back for more, is that the next shot you play could your best. For Ed Sandison, that took on an entirely unexpected level of significance on the day that courses reopened across England, playing at Styal Golf Club, Ed celebrated his return to the game by making the first hole-in-one of his life. read more ...

England Welcomes Back Golf

It had been seven weeks since the last official golf shot was played at an English course, so it was no great surprise to witness the excitement expressed by the thousands of golfers who ventured back onto the fairways this Wednesday after clubs reopened for doors. read more ...

What Golfers Expect From Return of Golf

Before The R&A and England Golf announced that the game would resume this week, Golfshake surveyed 1,200 golfers on the potential return of the sport, specifically on what changes they expected to see implemented at courses.  read more ...

Why I Won't Be Joining the Rush to the First Tee

Golfers in England are returning to their courses this week, but Golfshake's Derek Clements won't be among them. Offering a perspective that some may be quietly feeling themselves, he explains in this feature why, for the moment, despite loving and missing the game, golf just isn't for him right now. read more ...

The Massive Challenges Facing Golf Clubs as Doors Reopen

Golf clubs in the UK had been wrestling with many challenges before and during the coronavirus lockdown, but now with play returning in England, Golfshake's Derek Clements looks at the issues that venues will face during reopening with limited revenue available. read more ...

Welsh Golf Courses Can Reopen From Monday

Reviewing the latest guidance from the Welsh Government, Wales Golf has now presented further details for golf clubs, opening the door for them to reopen from next Monday, May 18, but a decision that remains entirely at their discretion, with travel restrictions in place. read more ...

Golf To Resume In England - But What Does That Mean?

Following Boris Johnson's Sunday announcement of changes to lockdown measures in England, the golf industry sought further clarification from government, with courses permitted to reopen from Wednesday. There had been initial confusion, but now more detail has been revealed jointly by the governing bodies, including The R&A and England Golf. read more ...

How to Get Ready for Return of Golf

Golfers will likely be feeling a little rusty after the game was sidelined during the initial period of lockdown, but to help them get ready for the reopening of courses, Golfshake has a vast library of content that should help golfers to dust off those neglected clubs and themselves to make the most of golf's return. read more ...

Golf Courses to Reopen in England From Wednesday

Golfers have been unable to play their beloved courses since March 23, but that is now set to change in England from Wednesday, May 13, following Prime Minister Boris Johnson's announcement on the next stage of lockdown, which has green lighted the return of a range of physical activities, including golf. read more ...

How The Coronavirus Pandemic Could Impact Golf Club Memberships

Golf continues to go through historically testing times, but looking at the wider impact on memberships for clubs, Golfshake has surveyed core golfers, highlighting their willingness to support venues, but also presenting opportunities that could emerge in the future once a sense of normality returns. read more ...

When is Golf Coming Back - Golfers Have Their Say

Rumour and speculation has intensified in recent days that golf could soon return in some manner in the UK, but providing a wide range of perspectives, Golfshake launched a survey to gather the views of golfers, on when they believe the game will resume, what form it will take, and what they hope will happen in the weeks and months ahead. read more ...

Courses Show Ingenuity to Prepare for Return of Golf

Golf courses across the UK have been closed since the government announced lockdown measures in March. However, that hasn't stopped our beloved venues preparing themselves for when they are permitted to reopen, displaying some ingenuity to ensure that the game can return safely. read more ...

Guidance Revealed For When Golf Does Resume

In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, golfers and venues throughout the UK have been searching for answers on how the game could return safely in the present climate. Now, led by The R&A, governing bodies across the industry have revealed essential guidance on how golf should be played once current restrictions begin to be lifted. read more ...

How to Turn Unattached Golfers Into Golf Club Members

Golf will likely experience major changes in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, but one of the most key areas for the game to address is transforming unattached golfers into golf club members. Looking at data in the 2019 Golfshake Survey, we have identified factors that could help to increase membership. read more ...

How Golf Courses Are Looking During Lockdown

Golf courses have been closed across the UK since nationwide lockdown procedures were introduced, a frustrating time for golfers, but essential maintenance is continuing to be carried out at venues across the country. Golfshake has reached out to discover what has been going on, and what condition golf courses are in at the moment. read more ...

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