Golfers Reject Calls For Seniors to Pay Less For Golf
HANDS UP! When I wrote my article calling for a rethink on the annual subscriptions paid by senior golfers, I expected something of a backlash.
I suspected it would not be greeted with widespread enthusiasm. And it turns out that I stirred up something of a hornet’s nest.
So, having had my say, it is only fair that you have yours, as we received many comments on the website, Facebook and X. Here is what you said:
"No chance. Seniors use the course more than anyone else. And I speak as a senior."
"I am close to becoming a senior golfer but no, they should not be paying less than other members."
"Given how lots of courses are struggling with rising costs, giving out discounts to people who use the course the most would be a bold play."
"They have the most disposable income and they use the course the most.
"I am a 33-year-old male with a nine-month-old baby. Everybody is struggling. I pay the full membership fee and at best get one round a week if I am lucky but pay the same as somebody who plays four or five times a week."
"Clubs could offer a free seniors morning to former members and many already offer flexible memberships already. Seniors can be the worst culprits for slow play and rule breaking - not repairing pitchmarks and divots, taking buggies across greens and tees."
"These are the seniors who already get bankrolled by other full members but can play as much as they want during the week. If anything, limit seniors to five-day membership and introduce weekend memberships for the rest of us."
"I don’t agree. I am a senior golfer and I can play any day and any time. Those of working age cannot. So it could be argued that I should pay more as I use the course more."
(Image Credit: Kevin Diss Photography)
There are several interesting talking points here.
I am really not sure that it is true to say that seniors are the people who have the most disposable income. Speaking as one of them, I can assure you that I watch every penny I spend now that I am no longer in full-time employment. And I know that many of those I play with are in exactly the same boat.
On the other hand, I do accept that I can play golf whenever I like. But I have worked hard all my life for the privilege and am fortunate enough to still have a decent standard of health and fitness.
Are senior golfers slow? By the very nature of the fact that they are seniors then yes, the chances are that they are going to take longer to negotiate 18 holes than men and women in their prime.
And yes, they do not repair pitchmarks, but let’s not kid ourselves that they are the only group of golfers who are guilty of this. And as somebody who plays all my golf in the company of seniors, I can put my hand on my heart and say that I have never seen any of them take a buggy across either a green or a tee. If I ever witnesses this I would most certainly have something to say about it.
On the other hand, I have seen plenty of society golfers do this kind of thing repeatedly - and they do not replace divots or rake bunkers.
But I accept the majority view - and that makes it perfectly clear that seniors are getting a pretty fair deal.
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