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The mental game ...... Waste of money or a real must for EVERYBODY

By: Golf Shake | Wed 17 Jul 2013 | Comments ()

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Pre-ShotYou don't need to convince us we've seen the benefits of focusing your mental preparation for some time but recently Golfshake member and Gtour tournament player Daniel Alvarez undertook the Pre-Shot coaching programme.

Daniel is a relatively recent golf aficionado and took the opportunity to link up with golf psychologist Jon Finn with Jon's Pre-Shot golf coaching programme to help improve his game and pass a mental hurdle.

Post: Daniel Alvarez 2013

I have only recently taken up the game of golf back in July 2009 and at the age of 31.

What started as a nice past time soon became an obsession (which I am sure a few of you will relate too) and something I fell instantly in love with and something that drove me to despair about 40 times in each round!

Daniel Alvarez - GtourI made the decision to get some lessons and start to try and make some progress and after about 6 months I started to see gains from the lessons, consistent practice and regular golf and gradually started to get my handicap down from 28 to 22. 

I then dropped to 18 then 16 and then I finally got stuck on 12.

I plodded on thinking it would just go down naturally but it did not seem to in fact I found it annoyingly frustrating.

About a year ago I joined twitter and started to follow some "mental coaches: but they all seem to talk in riddles kind of mystic meg style. I played with the idea of having a session with one of them but it all seemed to be for the professionals and I was never going to be one of them.

As time passed I was still stuck on a handicap of 12 and even though I was on the range, on the short par 3 course at my club and on the putting green for hours on end I could not get past the 12 handicap I had worked hard to beat.

I was then approached by Jon at Pre-Shot golf to have a few sessions and help to lose shots off my handicap. I of course was very skeptical but thought why not. Upon meeting Jon I was very surprised, he was down to earth, professional and had degrees coming out his ears.

After some of the boys from my club found out I was thinking of having a session with a "mental coach" I have to say they ripped me for quite a while, but this only made me more determined to make it work. So the meeting with Jon happened and we put a plan in place.

The main thing about Pre-Shot is the system that it uses is a physical thing not just words or someone answering your questions with another question. Jon uses squares that you stand in and it's a simple 3 step process. This means that when I am on the course I can mentally stand in each box and know what to think about at each stage of the process.  After a while I found I was thinking the right things at the right time thanks to the box system and the Pre-Shot mobile app he has designed. No bibble babble just a straight forward simple plan to follow.

After only 3 sessions with Jon and Pre-Shot I got my name on a board in the member lounge shooting a nett 66 and I now play off 9 pushing towards 8.

The boys don't laugh anymore as I am now lower than them. So I have to say a session with Jon is a must for any golfer.

The range, the putting green, the short course are all important but how to control all you have learnt and to be able to play your best in things that matter is even more important.

For more information on Pre-Shot Golf visit www.pre-shot.co.uk

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