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The value of a good pro

Posted by: user127133 | Sun 2nd Nov 2008 20:45 | Last Reply

I've been working with a pro who was recommended by a friend.

A bit sceptical at first as the last recomended pro I worked with changed my swing completely and basically messed my game up big style.

However, my new pro seems to be pointing me in the right direction. I've had five 1/2hr sessions (most of which lasted between 45mins and 1hr).

My last session on Saturday went well with my pro commenting on how much my swing had improved since he first saw me, which was pleasing and great for my confidence. At the end of my lesson he suggested I see him again in 2 or 3 weeks time. This comment confirmed he was interested in improving my golf and not just taking my money.

Due to the weather and dark nights my golf is rather limited due to work committments, hence, practise will be rather difficult. I'm still aiming to practise and play on weekends.

One thing I do know though is that I will be using the services of my pro come springtime to get me in good shape for the the forthcoming new golf season. Looks to me as though he has made a sound business plan with me as I will definitely be going back to him as and when required.  

re: The value of a good pro
Reply : Sun 2nd Nov 2008 21:02

As long as you understand what he is telling you, Gaz then you should see some rapid progress. Good luck anyway.

re: The value of a good pro
Reply : Sun 2nd Nov 2008 21:10


Don't worry if you think your not improving straight away as it might take a few weeks to implement what he is teaching you. At least this is what I found.


re: The value of a good pro
Reply : Mon 3rd Nov 2008 23:03

I recently went to see a pro called Ken Hawarth at a course near York for a 9 hole playing lesson, lovely fella, spotted a couple of small things quickly on my full swing and worked on those, but he saw me in situations that you can't replicate at the range like the short game, chipping, pitching and putting. 

re: The value of a good pro
Reply : Tue 4th Nov 2008 08:30

He worked on your couple of small things eh Tony...

And what grip did he use....

No wonder you come back smiling mate....

re: The value of a good pro
Reply : Fri 7th Nov 2008 20:49

A good pro is worth his weight in gold.

Some do try to string out the lessons so you have to take hundreds of lessons!

The problem I find is that once you've had a lesson you should stay on the practice ground after and continue to practice for at least another thirty minutes.

Also don't expect to walk straight onto the first tee and start hitting the ball like you were hitting it during your lesson.

How many times have you played with a guy who's just had a lesson in the last few days, and they then play the worst round of their life?

Practice as much as you can and take it to the course when you're happy with it.


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