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Handicap question

Posted by: user119111 | Sat 25th Oct 2008 23:08 | Last Reply

Hope someone can help me understand this handicapping business.

 I have several scores loaded into the score tracker here, 3 full rounds and two nine-hole scores.  When I finally loaded my third full round into the system yesterday, it computed my handicap at 11.9, which seems artificially low.  The scores I have loaded are 84 (+12) for 18 holes, 89 (+17) for 18 holes, 98 (+26) for 18 holes, 48 (+12) for 9 holes, and 43 (+9) for 9 holes.  How does that compute to 11.9? 

I can provide slope and course rating info if needed, but if someone can walk me through the calculations I'd appreciate it.  I went to another online service and loaded in only the full rounds, and came up with 17.2, which seems more reasonable.  Are the 9-hole scores throwing the calculation off somehow?



re: Handicap question
Reply : Sat 25th Oct 2008 23:55

Nine hole scores cannot count towards a handicap in this country, John, and when one puts in their first three cards at any club then the handicap is usually the lowest of the three. How the Golfshake system works I cannot tell you as I have no idea.

re: Handicap question
Reply : Mon 27th Oct 2008 16:33


I would say that the 9 hole scores would distort the calculation. Handicap revisions including your first handicap would only be applied from full 18 hole rounds.

So I would go with the revised 17.2.

These calculations are compex, but for more guidance maybe check out the CONGU website for details.

re: Handicap question
Reply : Mon 27th Oct 2008 16:44



try this link and procedure for handicap from 3 cards is explained

re: Handicap question
Reply : Tue 28th Oct 2008 12:16

You certainly know your onions in respect of current handicap rules, Chris. Is it a hobby, or something you have just picked up doing your job at the club?

re: Handicap question
Reply : Tue 28th Oct 2008 19:23

Hi guys, just picking up on this thread.

In terms of UK golf handicaps on golfshake.com they are calculated in a similar method to that used by clubs in the UK and you will find fairly accurate given the inclusion of CSS(competition scratch score) which some clubs choose to use. You are right in that 9 holes round can be included for handicapping from 2008 but this is at the discretion of the club and something that golfshake.com doesn't do. At present golfshake.com calculates handicaps for 18 holes only.

John, in relation to your query.  Because you are US based the site uses the US golf handicap system which takes into account slope and course ratings. The handicap is also based on an average system unlike the UK so best round of 5 and once you have added 20+ rounds it uses the average of the best 10 etc

Any further queries let me know, hope this helps.

Regards, Darren.


re: Handicap question
Reply : Wed 29th Oct 2008 09:18

That's not down to the system Dave, it's down to ability 

See you played Ravenmeadow recently.  Had my first ever game there.  Birdied the 8th!  What do you think of it?

re: Handicap question
Reply : Wed 29th Oct 2008 09:25


You birdied a hole......was it a par 10


re: Handicap question
Reply : Wed 29th Oct 2008 09:40

It was a par 4 and I chipped in.  Element of luck as I caught the ground and topped it, but I topped it straight.  Winter green as well.  I wasn't popular as the two guys I was playing with had been playing for two years and neither of them had ever had a birdie.....

Anyway, thought you were on holiday this week John.  Fancy a game Friday?

re: Handicap question
Reply : Wed 29th Oct 2008 09:44

I am on holiday & I might be available for a game but with the dark nights we might need to start around 12ish plus I'm going trick or treating at 5.

re: Handicap question
Reply : Wed 29th Oct 2008 10:04

12 works for me mate.  I'll meet you there.  What you going dressed as and are you taking the kids with you?

re: Handicap question
Reply : Wed 29th Oct 2008 10:43

chris, i'll text you to confirm later today.


re: Handicap question
Reply : Wed 29th Oct 2008 15:17

Ravenmeadow is good for a game after work on a summer's evening.  I don't feel like I've played a proper round if I play 9 holes on an 18 hole course, but because it's only a 9 holer, it doesn't bother me.  Good little course, but the 7th is a little bugger - do I go to drive the stream or lay up and be unlikely to make the green in two.  And the last time I played they put the hole right on the edge of the top tier - gits! 

If you like Ravenmeadow, try Sherdons (about 10 mins from M5 junction 9).  Another 9 holer, but a good course with water on several holes.  You only need your driver on the par 5 3rd. 

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